A penis without surgery

According to statistics, more than 80 % of men are unhappy with the size of your penis. Advertising on the internet, and modern magazines paper only keys to adjust the development of complexes. This adversely affects not only sexual life, but also in the self-esteem, relationships in the family and the race. The psychology of the men almost do not undergo the changes, to difference of size of the penis. A penis without surgery is very real.

What are the methods help to deal with the problem?

a penis without surgery

In the specialized sites and forums you can find a lot of information on the different ways to change the size of the penis. They are primarily used for treatments of face lift non-surgical methods:

  • the suspension of the goods;
  • the use of an extender;
  • massage technique;
  • electrical stimulator and the nozzle;
  • special ointments, gels and creams.

Change the size of the penis is a laborious process and quite labour-consuming. To achieve positive results you must collect the maximum appropriate manner and become familiar with all the details.

The manipulation of the traction and expansion of the vehicle by using straps, vacuum pumps, of different goods can cause unpredictable changes, potentially disfiguring penis. They are especially dangerous as the methodology to men of the third age — when damaged tissue is lost forever, the shape, and the normal type. It is best to use natural remedies that will help you to get rid of problems and do no harm to the health.

Medicines for penis enlargement without surgery

Now on the internet freely, pills, improve sexual health, increased erection and dimensions of child-bearing age, of the authority. In the framework of the drugs includes the patented system of the structure of herbs, known for their healing properties. The components of the mixture to create the complex effective, which helps to achieve the desired result.

The natural pill of the composition of run fast, have no side effects and unpleasant surprises. A mixture of herbs acts on the inside, increasing in size erectile tissue excited penis. Natural the flow of blood to special bodies that allow them to fill full and, in consequence, strengthens the erection.

The gels and creams that increase the member of the

Among the variety of tools that increase the reproductive authorities of men, the most popular and accessible of use include gels, creams, and ointments. To solve problems without pain, only with the help of active substances. The surgical intervention and the use of risk traveling designs is not necessary.

Buy tools that actively promotes the pharmacies or in stores official internet of the manufacturer. To avoid counterfeits, you must understand how it works the one or the other of cream. Will not prevent also the clear idea about the companies, of proven effectiveness in this field.

the increase of member of the

Book a tool for the growth of the penis the following signs:

  • the problem with the duration of the sexual contact because of the premature ejaculation;
  • the sexual dysfunction with mild erection;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the skin of a member;
  • the bad penis sizes;
  • the frequent damage to the foreskin;
  • a low level of sensitivity.

Enlarge the penis without surgery with the gel. Importantly, use regularly in combination with other means of similar action.

How to work the creams and gels, increase the size of the member?

The positive comments on various web sites and internet forums, they say that the funds are really effective. The important thing is to collect the maximum suitable of the composition.

  1. Enzymes. The action of the active substances is intended to that the growth of child-bearing age, of the authority of long and wide.
  2. Licorice naked. Quite an ingredient that exerts the firming cream for the effect, the improvement of the libido and the firmness of the penis.
  3. The cardo. The plant contains substances actively promote the production of testosterone in the body of men.
  4. Extractor hood, pastor of the bag. Opens the pores of the skin for better absorption of vitamins and minerals, that contain a large number of medications for the increase of the penis.
  5. Phytosterols. Stimulate the secretion of the glands, improving the activity of the sperm. A good prevention of diseases related to the system android of assisted reproduction.
  6. Goldenrod. The plant prevents the onset of inflammatory processes, which is especially important for the excretion of the function.

Specialists recommend to choose for the growth of the penis gels and creams, in the framework of which includes a maximum insurance of components. Only this type of composition is able to quickly bring the intended result.

Instructions for use ointment media

A frequent cause of the inefficiency of the product is an incorrect form of the application. Using a special gel, you must comply with the general rules (video with detailed instructions can be found on the internet):

  • before the procedure, the genital area should be washed thoroughly with soap and water and dry, the skin should be dry;
  • the cream should take a little, just to make sure that you rub the entire length of the penis;
  • the tool is applied to a member through gentle movements of massage, the massage should be done before the complete absorption of the gel (usually within 3-5 min).
a big penis

When the overdrive should interrupt the process and continue a little later. Ointment or cream for penis growth it is recommended to cover with a periodicity of twice a day, morning and before bedtime. In case of violation of the charts, the result could be a long time it does not manifest itself. The average of the duration of the course is 3-4 months, depending on the individual reaction of the body and the initial of the magnitude of the problem.

It is difficult to imagine a more effective way bezoperatsionnogo penis enlargement, the application of creams, ointments and gels. Simple, the therapy is done at home and has practically no contraindications (except you are hypersensitive to the components). Another advantage is the accessible price of the course of treatment, in comparison with surgery and other methods.